!The REAL forbidden page to be copied over
Table of Contents
In the times when Marble Springs flourished, there was no need to name any of this. Now, however, we need to make things a bit more obvious.
- Ruth Cole was mowed down by Pastor Horner’s shay.
- Anne Harmon lost her eyesight and children in a wagon accident
- Explosion in Jenson’s barn
- No one really saw what happened with Abigail Miller and Clancy Gaylor.
- No one has openly accused Pastor Horner of anything.
*And certainly no one else saw Joel Harris with Rachel Cole so we certainly need to put that rumor to bed.
Battered women
Bad matches
- Caroline Croft
- Lillian Cooper
- Ruby Mateson but it wasn’t her fault
Boston Marriages
- The Davidsions may have come from Boston, but Penny and Ida had the real thing.
Child problems
- Lizzie Morrison had too many.
- Enid Grimes had a defective one.
Children stories
- Dell Harmon made chairs.
- Laura Keeperly made quilts.
- Kevin Paine carved wood.
- Naomi Cole folded cranes for the children.
- Penny and Ida made the hats for the ladies, and then whimsical hats that Ida would never let Penny show anyone. + Crime
- Matilda Granger cared for them all equally.
- Edith Gaylor axed her husband.
- Sue Langley showed up pregnant.
- Bart Morrison disturbed the peace.
- Red Birch Pitkincommitted suicide.
- Jacob Rubenstein spent years in jail for the bank embezzlement. [[humans:michael-nolan|Michael Nolan]]] did not.
- No one is sure what Alvina Heollstar did.
Death and Grief
- Bridget O’Shanty took her child with her.
- The Wringles lost everything.
- The Dagmars and the James both died of no work and no shelter.
- Alvina Heollstar never actually talked about Judy to anyone
Domestic Servants
- Dell Harmon worked in the Goliath Manor.
- Hezekiah Lincoln slaved for the Coles.
- Emmy Mateson never owned or operated the White Owl, but she kept it going.
- Rachel Cole
- humans:griffith
- Herbert Jenkins Smith
- No one has ever actually seen what Alvina or even the washerwoman drink.
Gossips and Opinions that Count
- Rachel Cole really ran the town.
- Edna Harris is the only one who thought she understood the town.
Note that while everyone dies, some people's illnesses redefine them. * Maddy Bates had consumption.
- Naomi Cole probably had cerebral palsy, but it was known as “bruises on the brain.”
- Grangers died in the influenza outbreak of 1918.
- Dell Harmon died of childbirth fever the year after the Panic (1894)
- Hazel Wringle died of a fever.
Imported Wives
- The most blatant case is Zandra Miller's, but others may be hidden.
Incurable Explorers
Note that everyone in Marble Springs sprang from somewhere else. This list is just about those who can not help but wander.
- Constanza Ascencione
- The Crows
- humans:saskatee
- humans:griffith
- Rebecca Reaver
- No one asked the Washerwoman why she traveled.
- Tim Harmon and * Anne Harmon
- Ingrid Jenson and * Sven Jenson
- Charity Paine and * Kevin Paine
- Tom Stoner and * Sadie Stoner
- Nobody ever asked Bart Morrison why he wanted Ruby Mateson that much.
- The Harmons owned the black-queen-mine
- Joe Cattering thought he owned the Sugar Boy Mine, but really T. M. Davidson did.
- Mandy Turner
- Towee Pitkin is full Ute Indian, * Red Birch Pitkin is half-breed.
- Paines, Vernons, and Lincolns come from either freedmen or escaped slaves.
- Sandor Popovic was European, allright. But he was different.
- The Rubensteins were Jewish.
- Hui Sing is from China and no one wants to say where * Luc San came from.
- The Yamamotos died for their origins in Japan.
- No one is quite sure about the Washerwoman.
Rape victims
These are only the ones that were more or less obvious, and do not include domestic abuse
- Martha Stokes
- No one asked Sue Langley what happened to her.
Respectable Women
Temperance and Suffragette Activists
Word lovers in secret
- Leah Cole’s photograph never aged.
- Marble Springs never saw Lottie Horner grow old.
page revision: 7, last edited: 29 Dec 2011 04:52