Overseeing the bounty of the town requires the eyes of a hawk. But respect1 needs much more to command than a sharp tongue and a stern rein.

It's Marriage
Rachel Cole and Matthew Cole
Jordan Harmon and Leah Cole
Mrs. Maude Newsome and Duncan Newsome

It's Family
Rachel Cole and Matthew Cole had Wayne Cole, Walter Cole, Leah Cole, Ruth Cole, Naomi Cole and two stillborn babies.
Mrs. Maude Newsome is a cousin from back East.

It's Hatred

It's Friends
Rachel Cole and Edna Harris
Naomi Cole and Maddy Bates
Leah Cole and Lottie Horner
Matthew Cole and T. M. Davidson

It's Business
The Ladies Aid
Sarah Grimes
Ella May Morrison
Ida May Jenkins
Penny Cernak
Black Queen Mine
Jordan Harmon

It's Complicated
Women's Christian Temperance Movement
Allison James
White Owl
Mollie Mateson
Emmy Mateson
Other Oddities
Doc Nancy
Sue Langley
Zandra Miller
Ruth Cole
Red Birch Pitkin
Towee Pitkin
Peggy Dagmar

It’s a secret tearing at the soul
Alison James
Alfred James
Peggy Dagmar
Laura Keeperly

It’s a secret growing in the soul
Matthew Cole and Cleo Cat
Leah Cole and Mrs. Maude Newsome

It's outside the wall
Katy Stoner
Red Birch