Hope Town was a separate little part of Marble Springs, between the Crystal River and the rise of Boot Hill. The land here flooded often and had no mineral values that anyone could see, and thus Matthew Cole leased the land for a pittance. The Marble Edifice is situated so that none of the windows look out upon Hope Town. Yet it was Pastor Horner’s fondest desire that the inhabitants of Hope Town look upon the closeness of the Church to them as a way to be closer to God.
However, Rachel Cole often sent Hezekiah Lincoln to clean the streets to clear the stench1, as Rachel put it. The denizens of Hope Town would travel the banks of the Crystal River and descend upon the White Owl on the other side of town whenever this happened.
Rachel refused to allow Matthew to put in wells, saying they’d taint the water. So the Paines dug Crane Ditch to carry water from the Crystal River.

It's Marriage

It's Family
the Morrison Horde

It's Hatred

It's Friends

It's Business
Who worked them:
Sugar Boy Mine
Black Queen Mine
Who fed them:
Marble Springs Cafe
Who kept them:
The graveyard

It's Complicated
Trials Morrison
Troubles Morrison

It’s a secret tearing at the soul

It’s a secret growing in the soul
Charity Relief
Billie Rose Cattering