In 1878, T. M. Davidson donated enough marble from his quarry to construct the Marble Edifice, which served as town hall, courthouse, church, and school for Marble Springs. Originally, T. M. Davidson planned to donate marble for a separate town hall, but economic difficulties stemming from the 1893 Panic thwarted this plan. Old Joe and Billie Rose Cattering donated a new roof, replete with silver-plated gargoyles. However, the inscription to thank them was somehow lost before installation.
The school settled permanently1
into the Marble Edifice.
Randall Klaron taught from 1875 to 1890, and Zandra Miller taught from 1890 to 1932.
Pastor Horner established the First Congregational Church here and preached on the first and third Sundays of each month from 1878 until 1931. The choir sang every Sunday without fail.
Town Hall
Council and court meetings were held here when needed.
The Ladies Aid Sewing Circle and Rescue Society met here every Tuesday evening.

It's Marriage

It's Family

It's Hatred

It's Friends

It's Business
Marble Springs First Congregational Church
Pastor Horner
Marble Springs School
Zandra Miller
The Ladies Aid Sewing Circle and Rescue Society
Rachel Cole
Cole's General Mercantile

It's Complicated
Millie Horner
Penny and Ida
Allison James
Maddy Bates
Edith Gaylor
White Owl Saloon
Cleo Cat
Billie Rose
Rebecca Reaver

It’s a secret tearing at the soul

It’s a secret growing in the soul