The Women’s Christian Temperance1 Union started with a national call to arms against the demons of whisky and impure thoughts and deeds in 1873. Rachel Cole responded by blacking out the windows of the White Owl, but Jake Mateson took offense at this, and Paul Granger got Rachel to have Hezekiah Lincoln clean it up again. When the WCTU officially organized the next year to a national and international organization, Rachel paid for every respectable woman in town to have a membership. In 1893, the local chapter revived when Allison James came to town, but after her death, it dwindled into wishful thinking again. The WCTU would help bring Prohibition in the 1920s nationally, but Marble Springs never really paid any attention to that.

It's Marriage
Allison James and Alfred James

It's Family

It's Hatred
Jake Mateson
Herbert Jenkins Smith
Bart Morrison
White Owl SaloonGambling Hall

It's Friends

It's Business

It's Complicated
Pastor Horner
Ruth Cole
Zandra Miller

It’s a secret tearing at the soul

It’s a secret growing in the soul