Dell Harmon

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Marble Springs 2.0 screenshot of Dell Harmon

What we know

1850 - 1894
Came to Marble Springs from Vermont in 1878 to seek work as a domestic. After working1 for the Goliath Manor for six months, she married Sam Harmon, who owned the Black Queen Mine with his brother, Tim. Two sons, Eric and Ernest. She died of childbirth fever after the Silver Panic of'93.

Mountain Sunrise

Dell Harmon made wickerware
chairs from old lupine stems
and young willow bark shoots.

Steeped them with
her husband’s old
cigar butts—
for color, she said.

And the sun poured
her colors on Crow’s Mountain
where she gathered them
in the early morning light.

Doc Nancy sat with
her there a few times,
both silently gazing
into the sun.





Miller, Bruce W. and John Widess.Caner’s Handbook. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold,1983.

Portal caption and links

A drawing of wicker chair.
Laura Keeperly

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