What we know
1833 - 1896
Sold in China, brought to San Francisco as a prostitute. Luc San, local Chinese merchant, bought her as a wife. After the San Francisco riots, he followed the railroad and died. She followed Ken Jones, foreman, who settled in Marble Springs to work at the quarry. Three children with Ken Jones, but they died in infancy.
Miss Sing
Youngest daughter of youngest daughter,
She was born unlucky.
Honored to be sold for three sacks
of rice and one of millet,
she did not weep
as a whore in San Francisco.
But her voice wavered
when the bit prices
echoed through the mud streets.
When her eyes faded1
into flabby cheeks,
she was given to Luc San,
who followed the Denver & Rio Grande
and drank homemade wheat wine.
He fell in the sun; she
followed the foreman to Marble Springs.
They stayed there—the quarry being easier
than finishing the narrow gauge.
She kneels sometimes to roll the dirt
into her fingers—
pretending to remember
that the dust in China
is just as silent.

The Chinese Problem
Coolidge, Mary.Chinese Immigration. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1909. Available at the Western History Department, Denver Public Library.
McLeod, Alexander.Pigtails and Gold Dust. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, Ltd, 1947. Available at the Western History Department, Denver Public Library.
Davis, E.D.The First Five Years of the Railroad Era in Colorado: June 19, 1867 to June 19, 1872. Golden, Colorado: Sage Books, 1948. Available at the Western History Department, Denver Public Library.
LeMassena, Robert A.Colorado’s Mountain Railroads. Revised edition. Denver, Colorado: Sundance Publications, 1984.
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A drawing of a tree.
Hatsuki Yamamoto