Directory of Humans
What we know
This list shows the stories as of the launch of Marble Springs 3.0.
Those with stories
Searches | Constanza Ascencione | |
Chests of Stone | Maddy Bates | Alex Brown |
Cleo at the White Owl | Cleo Cat | Sarah Smith |
Settling In | Billie Rose Cattering | |
Singlejacking | Columbine Cattering | |
Silver is the Secret to Happiness | Joe Cattering | |
A Swell | Lily Cattering | |
Silk Colors | Penny Cernak | |
Aspen Gold | Leah Cole | |
Gleaner | Naomi Cole | |
Marriage | Ruth Cole | Sarah Smith |
Rules | Rachel Cole | |
Intemperance | Rachel Cole | Len Edgerly |
untitled | Matthew Cole | Kathy House |
untitled | Matthew Cole | Chris Willerton |
Reflections | Lillian Cooper | |
Night Winds | Caroline Croft | |
The Seekers | Mabel Crow | |
Peggy’s Diary | Peggy Dagmar | |
Lady Bountiful | Elizabeth Quincy Davidson | |
Doc Nancy | Nancy Ellimar | |
Promises | Edith Gaylor | |
Un-mining Clancy | Clancy Gaylor | Harry Fulsom |
Moving On | Perry Sue Gladston | |
In His Name | Matilda Granger | |
Finalities | Jedediah Grasslands | |
Keeping the Peace | Matilda Granger | Sarah Smith |
Seeing the Elephant | Victoria Green | |
The Griffin's Price | Griffith | Sandora Chappelle |
Strength | Enid Grimes | |
Sun’s Gold | Sarah Grimes | |
Wildflowers | Anne Harmon | |
Mountain Sunrise | Dell Harmon | |
Untitled | Tim Harmon | Jennifer Whitten |
Breaking Points | Edna Harris | |
Eyes | Alvina Heollstar | |
Jud Heollstar | Ears | |
The Perfect Strength | Ed Horner | |
Untitled | Ed Horner | Chris Willerton |
Salvation’s Hands | Ephraim Horner | Robert and Deena |
Firelight | Lottie Horner | |
Caretaker | Mariah Horner | |
Respect | Millie Horner | |
Tribulation | Allison James | Marion Albrecht |
Providing | Alfred James | Marion Albrecht |
Red Ribbons | Ida May Jenkins | |
Sven’s Wife | Ingrid Jenson | |
Quilts | Laura Keeperly | |
Confinement | Sue Langley | |
Baking Bread | Hezekiah Lincoln | |
How It Is | Ivy Lincoln | |
Whispers in Wine | Emmy Mateson | |
Crumbs | Mollie Mateson | |
French | Ruby Mateson | |
Cover Up | Abigail Miller | |
Great Things | Asa Miller | |
Handing Down Wisdom | Gertrude Miller | |
Hair | Zandra Miller | |
Cashed Out | Bart Morrison | Robert L. Smith |
The Lord's Prayer | Ella May Morrison | |
Call and Response | Ellen Anne Morrison | |
School Days | Emily Morrison | |
The Silence of Things | Lizzie Morrison | Robert and Deena |
Gathering Rituals | Straw Morrison | |
The Cold | Trials Morrison | |
The Hunger | Troubles Morrison | |
A Proper Introduction to the Right Connections | Mrs. Maude Newsome | |
The Accomplice | Mariam Nolan | |
Counting | Bridget O’Shanty | |
Lone Rock Canyon Road | Bridget O’Shanty | Ray Kerr |
His Hands | Charity Paine | |
Jonah Paine | Lessons | |
The Color of Your Money | Kevin Paine | |
Blood Stains | Henry Pitkin | |
Ute Leavings | Katalin | |
When the Vision Ended | Nabuinde | |
Ute Crossing | Towee Pitkin | |
Half-breed | Red Birch Pitkin | |
Opening the Quarryman’s Grave | Sàndor Popovìc | Robert L. Smith |
Waiting | Lucy Rainer | |
Conning Through | Rebecca Reaver | |
Investments | Ilsa Rubenstien | |
Untitled | Luc San | Harry Fulsom |
Miss Sing | Hui Sing | |
Literary Society | Susannah Smith | |
Reassurances | Chirpy Stokes | |
Nowhere | Martha Stokes | |
China | Richard Stokes | Jenny Kimber |
Katy’s Creek | Katy Stoner | |
Scraps | Sadie Stoner | |
Blacksmith | Tom Stoner | Cindy Woods |
Striking Silver | Mandy Turner | |
A Master's Piece | Big Bertha | |
Quilt Signals | Freedom Vernon | |
Patty Rollers | Liberty Vernon |
Out of Egypt | Missy Vernon |
Foot Free and Fancy Loose | Robert Vernon |
Abandoned | Hazel Wringle |
Left Behind | Jenny Wringle |
Mail Order Bride | Hatsuki Yamamoto |
The Washerwoman |
page revision: 15, last edited: 07 Feb 2019 22:54