What we know
Walking through ghost towns, you feel the shadows of feet on old boardwalks, hear the whispers laid down upon whispers.
Stranger, walk slowly among us.
Hear our tales.
Untangle our webs.
Write what we have not written1.
When the human denizens had lived here, books were rare, newspapers months—if not years—old, and words1 were the only source of meanings and connections. Names and reputations were bought and sold with deeds, not clicks on a screen.
When these stories first came out, readers were not familiar with screens or mice. And complicated directions had to be given. Now, these original instructions say so very much about the first readers, and so very little about the first authors.
• Click2 on icons in the margin to navigate3.
• Click on the underlined4 names of characters mentioned in other poems to access their poems or on any underlined word to discover new meanings or connections.
• Click on card titles for further commentary or biographies.
• Click on graphics to find lurking connections. (This is still very good advice.)

Fisher, Vardis and Opal Laurel Holmes. Gold Rushes and Mining Camps in the Early American West. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, 1968.
Portal image caption and links
A drawing of an origami crane.