Thank You All

Marble Springs 1.0

Marble Springs asked a simple object-oriented graphics stack designed for address books to do the impossible—wikis and the internet. I had help from Carlos Botran, Terry Harpold, Michael Rhodes, and Tom Trelogan, the logic genies behind the scenes.

Only sensational or rare doings of the fairer sexwere recorded in newspapers and in the annuls of history. I thus turned to the diaries and letters the quiet sex [[[jenny-wringle|left behind] . While these artifacts have been largely ignored by scholars until recently, they bestow a wealth of information about the women’s attitudes and conditions. Minority women, however, were usually illiterate and below the attention of society, thus closing off practically all avenues of information.The staffs at the fine libraries above deluged me with books about the area and era and graciously permitted me access to the diaries and letters they hold. From these I gleaned the setting, the zeitgeist I needed to conjure up the lives of the women in Marble Springs.

Thank you to the tireless and devoted staffs of the:
*Stephen Hart Library, Colorado Historical Society
*Western History Department, Denver Public Library
*University of Colorado at Boulder, University Libraries, Archives.

Thanks also to the Everyday Cook Book and Cyclopedia of Practical Recipes, from which most of the recipes and hints come. This well-worn book obviously stems from the 1860-80’s, but the front matter has long since disappeared, and I cannot properly acknowledge the work.

Kathleen Turner-Suarez did the original drawings in MS 1.0.

Marble Springs 2.0

Carlos Botran heroically dredged up his programming skills from 5 years previous and reprogrammed MS 2.0 so that it worked better.

Marble Springs 3.0

Now Leighton Christiansen has made Marble Springs 3.0 possible by painstakingly archiving Marble Springs 2.0. With this catalogue, I can port the text and bits to a wiki—somewhat like carefully dismantling an ornate tea house in Uzbekistan and putting it back together again, stick by stick.

Rob Elliot and others welcomed me into wikidot, helping me with the templates to make my humans and my connections behave properly online.

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